Montana Council of Teachers
of Mathematics
We want to learn from you! Sign up today to lead a session at the 2025 MFPE in Missoula.
Applications DUE: April 30th
More Information (LINK)
MCTM Board of Directors and President Bios
Running for President
Brooke Taylor
Region: IV (9-12)
School: Billings Senior High School
Education Background:
Mathematics Education (bachelors), School Counseling (masters), Curriculum & Instruction (not yet finished)
Teaching Experience:
I'm in my 17th year of teaching high school mathematics and have taught in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky before returning to Montana to my alma mater. I'm really fortunate to still love what I do and be able to engage minds everyday in experiencing mathematics.
Current Teaching:
Math - Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Sports Stats, AP Stats
Activities in MCTM:
Served on the Board from 2016-2019, have been a member since moving back to Montana in 2012. Have been to M3 a couple of times - it is great! I have also helped host the MCTM math contest at Senior before. And I've attended a few NCTM conferences - lots of learning! I have also presented a few times at the MFPE annual conference.
Other Information:
I am excited to be involved more and serve Montana math teachers! I guess I should mention some other areas I may have met some of the teachers around the state. I've also participated in a few grant opportunities over the years: STREAM, MSP-LEAD, Montana Math Teachers Circles, and I worked with CCSSO & rural states to develop math educator PD. I have also worked with OPI on various projects: STAR test standards mapping, ACT, developing IEFA lessons, and writing & administering courses on the Learning Hub.
What Positive Trait Would You Bring to the MCTM Board?
I bring a love of learning and an attitude of problem solving. When met with challenges or situations with unknowns, I like to figure out how to think creatively to find solutions.
What Role Should MCTM Take in Montana Mathematics?
I really would like to see MCTM be the hub for Montana math teachers. We can feel so spread out in this big state, but it is helpful to get to know one another and be connected to other great math teachers putting in the good work.
Running for Board of Directors
Michelle Brown
Region: II (9-12)
School: Great Falls Central Catholic High School
Education Background:
Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics from MSU Bozeman, Master's Degree Technology in Education, Cambridge University
Teaching Experience:
30.5 years teaching for Great Falls Public Schools: 27 years in high school mathematics, 3 years in adult ed, 0.5 years in middle school math intervention. Currently retired from GFPS and teaching high school math for Great Falls Central Catholic High School. I also have 25 years of experience teaching at the university level including all math classes, statistics, and methods classes.
Current Teaching:
9-12 High School
Activities in MCTM:
Regional Director for the Math Contest for many, many years. I also served on the board from 2020-2023.
Other Information:
I am a National Board Certified Teacher and have taught many PIR classes in the Great Falls District.
What Positive Trait Would You Bring to the MCTM Board?
I simply love math and everything about it! Better yet, I love teachers! My passion is helping as many students as I can by helping as many teachers as I can.
What Role Should MCTM Take in Montana Mathematics?
We should support and inspire teachers.
Mary Alice Carlson
Region: III (Higher Education)
School: Montana State University
Education Background:
B.A. Elementary Education, Whitworth University; MS and PhD, Curriculum Studies, University of Nebraska
Teaching Experience:
2nd grade and 6th grade generalist, 6-8 grade mathematics, undergraduate and graduate mathematics education
Current Teaching:
Higher Education
Activities in MCTM:
Presenter at the annual Montana Teacher's Conference and at the MCubed Summer Conference
What Positive Trait Would You Bring to the MCTM Board?
I bring experience as a teacher in elementary and middle school settings and in working with both preservice and in-service teachers to the MCTM board. I also have experience developing and providing professional development to teachers in urban, suburban, and rural areas. One of my primary areas of research is in how to support teachers' learning throughout their careers through meaningful and engaging professional development. I am so excited about the opportunity to continue to connect with Montana's outstanding teachers and to learn new ways to support them and their students.
What Role Should MCTM Take in Montana Mathematics?
While I have a great deal to learn about MCTM and its role in MT mathematics, I believe a primary role should be in supporting and advocating for classroom teachers. I firmly believe that by serving teachers, we serve students and improve mathematics learning.
Mariah Cozby
Region: V
School: Custer County High School
Education Background:
I got my bachelor's degree in mathematics from Montana Tech and my master's degree in statistics from Oregon State University. I then ended up deciding to teach and got my education credits from Montana State University.
Teaching Experience:
I have been teaching math for 20 years, primarily at the high school level, though for 2 years I taught 7-12 math. I have been at my current position for the last 16 years teaching Algebra 2, Precalculus, and Calculus (and sometimes basic Statistics).
Current Teaching:
High School Algebra 2, Precalculus, and Calculus
Activities in MCTM:
I have been a member of the MCTM board for the last 3 years and I have participated in many of the professional development opportunities that MCTM has provided, including M-cubed and the Montana Math Circles.
What Positive Trait Would You Bring to the MCTM Board?
I believe that I have a level head and a positive attitude.
What Role Should MCTM Take in Montana Mathematics?
MCTM should continue to provide learning opportunities for teachers. Also continue to provide students with the chance to compete for scholarships at the annual math competition.
Amy Hammill
Region: I (9-12)
School: Corvallis High School
Education Background:
BS Mathematics and MS Math Education (Both at Oregon State University)
Teaching Experience:
I have taught in Corvallis since 2003. For several years, I taught split between the middle school and high school, but since 2020, I have been back to full time at CHS. Like many teachers at small schools in MT, I have taught classes from pre algebra to AP Calculus BC. I am the department chair. I also work closely with the support staff to get struggling math students the help they need to be successful. This year I am also the scholarship coordinator for our school and am helping with academic advising graduating class by graduating class. I am the National Honor Society advisor and head girls soccer coach.
Current Teaching:
Math Teacher (AP Calc AB, AP Calc BC, Precalculus DC, Geometry)
Activities in MCTM:
I am the director of the MCTM Missoula Regional Math Contest. This allows me to work with a great team of mathy adults to create an awesome experience for about 30 local middle and high schools with attendance at about 800 students each Feb (post COVID) at the University of Montana. One of the parts that I take on with the contest is reaching out to schools to find current math teachers. There can be a lot of turnover with math teachers in MT, so it is always a bit of a job to the right teachers to organize the kids into teams. I think it is important though to keep attendance high - it allows us to award three scholarships to our seniors. It also gives the most students possible access to the university campus. I was also able to go to Billings last spring to work on revamping the contest.
What Positive Trait Would You Bring to the MCTM Board?
I am a hopeful person - I will try on a project or student even if it doesn't look like success is in the cards. (Maybe this time it will work out!) I like to stay on task and get things done. I am not scared off by big projects. I like to break big tasks into smaller manageable ones - eat the elephant one bite at a time. And even if a problem looks too big for me to solve, I like to think that my small piece matters. I can't throw all the sea stars back into the ocean that are stuck on the beach, but it can mean the world to the couple that I can throw back. I want to give kids of Montana the most opportunities possible, and I think a huge part of that is education and specifically math education. To give that to the kids, we need to make sure that there are math teachers that are being supported and provided professional development opportunities. If my membership on this board can help with that, I am all in.
What Role Should MCTM Take in Montana Mathematics?
I have been directly affected by MCTM's role in the regional and state math contest. On top of that, it looks like MCTM is a great resource for math teachers of Montana with professional development opportunities in the summer and during MEA days. We would hopefully be a help to finding and keeping great math educators in our state. I would also hope that the state of MT would use MCTM as a resource when building curriculum for our state. We are the experts in the field, so we need to mentor the next generation and guide the direction that our schools are legislated by the state.
2024 Dean Preble Recipient
Jennifer Brackney
Congratulations to Jennifer Brackney – 2024 Dean Preble Award Winner!
The Montana Council of Teachers of Mathematics proudly recognizes Jennifer Brackney as this year’s Dean Preble Award winner. Jennifer’s impact on math education in Montana is far-reaching. As a dedicated middle school math teacher and an early adopter of the use of Twitter to network with other teachers across time and space seeking to improve practice, she has been a vocal champion of many innovative approaches to teaching and learning, including standards-based grading and Peter Liljedahl’s “Building Thinking Classrooms” model.
As a former board member and past president of MCTM, Jennifer made many contributions. She served as MFPE program chair (twice) and co-founded the Montana Math Meet (MCubed). She led our organization through the difficult COVID-19 years. She co-founded the popular MCTM Trivia Night held every Thursday evening during the MFPE Conference. Finally, Jennifer has long been the regional director of the South Central MCTM State Math Contest.
This list makes it very clear that Jennifer has made a strong commitment to leadership efforts aimed at the improvement of mathematics teaching and learning in Montana. Congratulations, Jennifer, on a distinction that is well-earned! The council certainly thanks you for all you have done for its members and mathematics in Montana.